Interview with Cayden Chang

Cayden Chang

Director and Founder, Mind Kinesis Management International

1) Why did you choose this profession and what do you love most about what you do?

I have always loved teaching as a teenager because I simply could not stop talking once I started (just kidding about the part where I could not stop talking). It all started when I need to make some pocket money during my high school days and I started with the only skill I had – to give tuition. I continued with this part-time through Junior College, army days and my undergraduate days in National University of Singapore (NUS).

It wasn’t pure passion at first. I just needed money to survive especially during my undergraduate days because I had absolutely no money to pay for my food, not to mention my tuition fees. What I did was that I took a loan from DBS and POSB to take care of my 4 years of studies, then studied full-time and worked part-time to take care of my food, books, bus fare, etc. Life went downhill when my father passed away during my 3rd year. Subsequently, my mother was diagnosed with terminal stage lung cancer when I was in my honours year (ie. 4th year). The series of episodes taught me the importance of life and money. It prompted me to ask myself this question – is it possible to live our dreams doing what we absolutely love and don’t have to worry about money at the same time? The answer came when I came across NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) accidentally during my undergraduate days.

Yeap, the dots connected later on – to train (since I love teaching), flexibility of time (to spend time with family and do charity work) & unlimited income (I have been working previously as an employee for 10 years). I took the leap of faith, quit my last job as an Assistant Vice President of a listed company, and started my company Mind Kinesis Management International LLP ( & and recently started Mind Kinesis Value Investing Academy at ( The 2 main focus of my company now is to train NLP Tools and Value Investing Methodologies so that people can live the life that they have always wanted.

What do I love most about my profession? I HAVE 100% CONTROL OVER MY LIFE. We spend more than 1/3 of our life working for someone, with the remaining 1/3 sleeping and the last 1/3 doing what is supposedly important. Since we need to work anyway, why don’t we use this 1/3 of our life to fulfill our dreams instead of other people’s dreams?

2) What is your mission in Life?

I like this question – it’s  “To Motivate and Empower People to Reach their Destiny”. I have this personal mission printed on my name cards and my company’s website.

3) You’ve built up your business and co-authored a book. What’s next?

Paiseh! I felt that I have not built up my business yet. Long way to go. In terms of long-term focus, the business will expand from NLP and Value Investing to US Property Investing (in which I already own properties), Entrepreneurship and Publishing. In terms of publishing, more books will be coming for sure including personal development kits. My company has already published what I called a ‘Success Journal’, the only journal with a system incorporating NLP tools to systematize how one should manage their time to reach their goals. That’s good enough for me. Don’t have to be super-rich like Bill Gates to make me happy. Most IMPORTANT thing is to spend more time with family. That’s more important to me than making too much money.

4) What are some of Life’s lessons that you would want to share with your daughter as she is growing up?

Just ONE KEY LESSON, an extract of Steve Job’s 2005 Commencement Speech in Stanford University – “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Well, I have just survived Renal Cancer this year.  (Read my story in Straits Times at Never assume that we are going to live until 70, 80, etc. We only have ONE lifetime on this planet, do what is truly IMPORTANT to us and live the life that we have always wanted, not what other people expect of us.

5) What is one memorable experience you’ve had with helping a client find his/her purpose and mission in Life?

There were many. One of them is that one lady participant quit her job as an engineer and brought forward her 10-year-later dream of working with children in a learning centre. Now, she works in a Learning Centre teaching children as well as working as a Real Estate Agent. The key thing is that she is absolutely happy with what she is doing now. For every batch of my NLP Class, there will be at least one participant who will quit to do something else that will make them happier. If you have a dream to fulfil, why wait until tomorrow? “Screw It, Let’s Do It” ~ Sir Richard Branson.

Grace says: This interview is one of the most inspiring so far. I like that line about not wasting your life living someone else’s life. So very often, I look at someone doing very well and wish I was in that person’s shoes. The fact is, those shoes probably wouldn’t fit me very well, nor would I relish standing in them for long. So why not wear my own, and walk a great distance in them, leaving enough worthy prints for someone to want to follow? 🙂

Look out for: The interview with Mark Hunter, on 28th January, 2011.

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