Marina Square: Enchanted Tales Balloon Adventure (Now Till 17 March)

marina square balloons

The balloon sculptures at Marina Square never fail to impress and though today’s not Day 1 of Enchanted Tales, the balloons are still in pretty good shape actually. And they’re all so instagram-worthy! šŸ˜€ There’s even a life-size (balloon) horse-drawn carriage in which you can sit and get pictures taken – no official photographer charging for photos so just take your own with your mobile phone. XD

marina square enchanted tales
The princess and her minion… I think. šŸ˜€

There’s great natural lighting, so your photos are likely to turn out very well… royally well.

marina square balloon exhibition
marina square balloons 2024

There are just too many balloons to count, so don’t bother. XD But definitely pop by (hur hur) by 17th March! There’s a costume section where kids can dress up as knights, princes or princesses for just $5! We figured there won’t be any in Melody’s size so we didn’t head there. In any case, she’s more of a unicorn, as you already well know. XD

Throwback pic: