An Email From The CPF Board

I really didn’t think the CPF Board would get to read my blogpost about AK. Even more surprising was the email I received.

CPF Board Email[I have omitted Ms Teoh’s email address and contact numbers]

I think Ms Teoh and a number of netizens may have misunderstood. The CPF Board did not help “recover [my] CPF contributions” from AKLTG. They helped me recover CASH, which ended up in my bank account, NOT my CPF account. Which makes this even more commendable.

My ex-employer had been crediting money into my CPF account while I was still employed in the company. What CPF didn’t know was that the monies came from my salary – yes, the Employers’ Contribution (for commissions) came from my salary, not from my employer.

Hence, everything looked rosy where my CPF matters were concerned. The CPF Board did not notice anything amiss.

Only after I quit, did I ask the CPF Board for help. The Board was not obliged to help me because my CPF monies had been credited.

The Board helped me retrieve CASH that was supposed to have been paid to me as part of my salary.

For that, I thank Kevin and the CPF Board, for going above and beyond the call of duty. As far as I am concerned, the Board stood to gain nothing from helping me retrieve my monies.

Some have asked the question of “What about the other employees?”. If I remember correctly, the Board’s stand is that unless there is a complaint lodged, they will not investigate further. So, really, the onus is on us (employees) to be knowledgeable about our rights, and to speak up when we notice that something is amiss. If you know someone who has encountered something similar but doesn’t know what to do, share my story. Help is always available.

Happy Chinese New Year!

10 thoughts on “An Email From The CPF Board

    • It is against the law. No boss, in his or her right mind, would put it down in writing. As long as the matter is made known to the CPF Board, they would intervene, I believe.

    • Thanks. This is how they do. “Any other governmental payments” would be borne by the employee ” or similar sounding statements especially for those on EP. This is their escape clause in case the employee turns PR / Citizen

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