
[Updated: 26th Apr 2023]Grace Tan Singapore Blog Award trophy

Hello! 😀

Welcome to my blog! This blog was started in October 2010, when I was working for someone else and decided there had to be more to life than just slogging my years away in a well-paying but unfulfilling job.

In 2011, I quit my S$114,000 job (click here to read more about how and why I did it), the CEO of the company was not at all pleased that I was blogging (read about his response here) but I couldn’t care less.

So I began my blogging journey.

In 2012, I first heard about the Singapore Blog Awards and decided to take part. I was fortunate enough to be picked out of hundreds of nominees to get a Top 10 placing for ‘Best Individual Blog’. I didn’t win the title though.

In 2013, I decided to try again. And win I did. 😀 Read the shortest “acceptance speech” ever here.

In 2014, two of my best students took part in the Singapore Blog Awards and one won the Best New Blog award (travelledpaths.com) and the other – who is 67 years old! (and blogs at retiredowhat.com) – beat hundreds of other nominees to be a Top 10 Finalist in the Best Individual Blog category! I can’t be more proud of them! 🙂

Singapore Blog Awards 2014 Winners

Now I am also a published author (of the book ‘Blogging For A Living’) and I conduct workshops on the craft of blogging. Want to attend one? 🙂

Lim Pei Fen

Paul Foster

Penny Low

Since this blog started out as an ‘interview blog’ where I interviewed celebrities, millionaires and entrepreneurs regarding their “secrets to success”, here are some questions (using the 5W1H method) I put together for, well, myself, to answer YOUR questions. 😀

Q&A With Grace

1) Who would you most like to interview?

Well, I’ve interviewed just about everyone I am curious about, from my favorite comedian Michelle Chong to the son of Warren Buffett.

I’d probably like to interview my own daughter when she’s able to speak and give her (uncensored) opinions about how awesome I am as a mother. 😀 #kidding

2) What is the likelihood of you returning to a full-time 9-to-5 job?

I’m totally not considering it. I’ve honestly had enough of a poor work-life balance, temperamental and uncaring bosses, the stress of commuting via public transport, and I’m enjoying my current lifestyle too much! 🙂

3) When did your blog start making you money?

Sometime about 6 to 8 months after I started blogging. I was happily interviewing people without caring about dollars and cents since they allowed me to interview them for free. Then I began getting emails from people who wanted me to interview them. Most of the time, I didn’t know who these email senders are, but once I decided that their businesses are legal, ethical and moral, I interviewed them, but for a fee.

4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time, and do you think you will still be blogging then?

I am no fortune teller, so while this question is one of those that interviewers LOVE to ask, I have to say that sorry, I can’t possibly hazard a guess as to what I could possibly be doing in 5 years’ time. Maybe, changing my baby’s diapers? [UPDATE: YUP!]

And I definitely have no idea whether blogs will still exist 5 years down the road. But I believe that social media enthusiasts will continue to change with the times, and learn to invent and re-invent themselves. Whatever the future of blogging is, I do believe I’ll continue writing as it’s my passion.

5) Why use a free wordpress.com blog instead of purchasing your own domain name? 

Well, I have purchased my own domain name, gracetan.com. But I think it is useful to make a success out of a free blog and demonstrate to people (you, you and you) that you don’t have to spend money on a website in order to be successful online or win a blog award.

6) How can a newbie blogger “survive” in a blogosphere so saturated with blogs, much less win a blog award?

Firstly, I do not think that the blogosphere is saturated with blogs. I mean… books have been published since a long, long time ago and I STILL managed to author and publish one. Shouldn’t the list of book titles and topics be exhausted by now?

As long as you have a brilliant idea, and you fill a gap in the blogosphere (or bookstore, in my case), your blog will be most welcome.

Want to know how to win a blog award even if your blog is barely 3 months’ old, you have hardly any blog followers, and you have no idea why anyone would even want to read your blog, then join me at one of my blogging workshops and full-day courses. Click here.


2014 has been pretty incredible:

1) Featured on The Sunday Times

2) Winning BRAND’S blogging contest and receiving a prize worth S$2,000

3) Invited to be a Maku Store Singapore Preferred Blogger:

Maku Store Singapore

4) Invited (and paid) to speak at the Singapore Writers Festival – It was such an honor to be invited, and I didn’t know before this that speakers get paid too!

5) Winning the influr blogging contest despite turning up late at the launch event (due to a timing clash with another event) and missing the entire brief about products etc!

*I also had fun organizing the international gift exchange – post 1 and 2. 😀


Interview Requests

If you’d like me to interview you, drop me an email at gracewwg at gmail dot com. If you’d like to interview me, send me an email too.

Friends from MLM or NM companies

Please note: I do not wish to be affiliated with any MLM (NM, or by any other name) companies so kindly refrain from contacting me. Thank you for understanding.


Grace Tan

Find me on Facebook or Google+.

46 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Grace! It’s so inspiring to find a young, beautiful writer like you — already filled with wisdom and great enthusiasm about life. I first encountered you through your interview with IVAN TEO of Arteastiq. Keep blogging and let your gentle fire influence many many people! God bless you and your work!

  2. Hi Grace,
    Didn’t realize u r doing this cool and great stuff until my conversation with Cayden Chang yesterday. As we talked, it dawned on me that the Grace he was talking about could be the same cousin Grace whom I’m related to. What a small world, huh? Keep up the awesome work!

    • Hello cousin! 🙂

      Yes, small world indeed! Thanks for the compliments. Just a humble blog from which I derive personal satisfaction and share insights from wonderful people like Cayden. 😀

      See you around!

  3. Hi Grace! I sat beside you at the Night Safari’s dinner yesterday! Loving your name card and your “proposal” entry. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  4. Hi Grace, nice meeting you today at the seminar. 🙂
    You have a great blog with lots of inspiring articles! Enjoyed reading them tremendously.
    Hav a full-filled weekend ahead.

  5. Hi Grace,

    I sent an email to gracewwg@gmail.com. Please do check it out. I would like to invite you as an expert interviewee for my school radio capsule project. I’ve read your blog and I feel you fit the bill! 😉

    Best regards,
    Mohd. Azhar

  6. Got to your blog via the TV show on channel U. You are definitely a very likeable blogger. 🙂 Me also a blogger. But my blog is purely personal for keeping track of my ups and downs in life. 😛

    • Hello Paul. Thanks for the compliment! 😀

      Good. A blog, to me, should be about the blogger’s life and thoughts. Really dislike those which include review after review, and nothing else. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  7. Love your blog! It’s amazing how you’ve managed to interview all these influential people. Keep up the amazing work! Would love it if you could pop by mine sometime!

  8. Thank you so much for visiting my blog 🙂 and trying out the recipe,. I was actually surfing your blog just last week too!!

  9. Oh by the grace of Grace! I wish I would have stumbled upon this site under more joyous circumstances, but Google takes you to various places when you type in the word: “World Ventures.” Thank you for clarifying and confirming my doubts about this self-employed program which a good friend of mine just signed up for this past week and is now trying to CON-vince me to join. I love your honest and charming take on things. Hope to follow your blogs more often!

    Take Care,
    Chong Lor

  10. I just discovered your Blog! THIS IS AMAZING!

    Really opened my eyes and found the facts quite interesting! A refreshing take on things = I like! (Y)

  11. You’ve inspired me to get off my ass and start my site – i bought the domain name and all but am nervous about buying a hosting package and just doing it! Reading your post, i think i shall do this soon!

    • I’ve never written anything about getting a domain name and hosting package. LOL. I’ve always been an advocate of starting a free blog and making it a success first before spending money on a website. 😉

  12. Hey Grace, nice blog indeed especially the career in real estate part one as well as part two. Since you are in Singapore and writing so much about the real estate.. I have one question for you.. howz the real estate job market in Singapore and whats the prospect for a foreigner who has done MSC real estate from NUS. Awaiting your response. 🙂

    • Hi, I just have a handful of articles on real estate – not too many. Depending on what kind of job you are looking for. I’ve been told it’s a really tough market for agents. I guess you’ll have to ask someone else; someone who is in a job position you’re looking for.

  13. Hi Grace,

    sorry for bringing this up. here , But i didnt find your forum. and you closed the comment section.
    I posted in your blogpost: “Want to join World Ventures? Please do.”
    Normally I leave everyone to his/ her opinion, but what you answered to my comment confused me:
    I wrote:

    “Great blog, but i honestly dont know why you are so upset with WorldVenture.
    From what i can see from their website, they seem to do a lot of good by helping people.
    Even as an atheist i have t admit that what they do is a good thing….Correct me if i am wrong”

    You answered:
    “This has nothing to do with being an atheist or not. I’m already encouraging people to join. Therefore this post is titled “Want to join World Ventures. Please do.”

    Why doenst it have to do anything with an atheist? World Venture is a missionary organisation set up by the baptist church, on a mission to help those in need. (see link below)

    I would join World Venture but:
    a.) I am an atheist
    b.) I am already subscribed with the Red Cross.

    • Hi… you are mistaken. I blogged about World VentureS – a travel company, not the World Venture you are talking about. (@_@)

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