Hari Raya Goodies Going At A Big Discount @ FairPrice

Hari Raya Pineapple Tarts

Since the prices for Hari Raya goodies at FairPrice have been significantly lowered, I got a tub of the “Sunflower Pineapple Tart” from Style Food. The label says they are “handmade cookies” from Malacca, and the best pineapple tarts I’ve ever eaten are from Malacca so I thought I’ll try these. At S$3 for a 500g tub of maybe 32(?) pineapple tarts, it’s pretty cheap, considering the fact that they’ll last all the way till 30 June 2019! Actually, they can still sell these during Chinese New Year. Just change the “Hari Raya” sticker on top to a “Happy Chinese New Year” one. 😀

Sunflower Pineapple Tart

They taste rather tart – I’m not sure if the sourness is from too much citric acid. I prefer pineapple tarts which are a little sweeter. Wait, scratch that. I love pineapple tarts that are very sweet. 😀 If I’m already eating something that calorie-rich thanks to the flour, butter and sugar, it might as well be appealing to my sweet tooth. 😛

I need to find that namecard of the awesome pineapple tart manufacturer in Malacca. Those tarts are seriously the best I’ve ever tasted. Will post the details here when I find that elusive card. 😀